Developer's DescriptionBy Update YouTechnology News | Technology Newspapers...Technology News | Technology NewspapersDo you want to stay up to date with the latest news from the world of technology? Get now the app Technology News | Technology Newspapers on your smartphone or tablet and receive all the latest technology news: computer science and technology, electrical engineering and electronics, health sciences and technology, innovation and inventions, nanotechnology, robotics / artificial intelligence, technology and society, cloud computing, computer hardware, consumerization of information technology, applications, Internet, mobile and wireless, networking, operating systems, security, information technology management, gadgets, virtual reality, technology reviews and more!With the app Technology News | Technology Newspapers you can:- Translate news in another language to the language of your device- Search your favorite topics about technology- Share technology news with your friends- Get push notifications when new technology articles are added- Get the latest technology news from the most popular digital newspapers and magazines- Email our team and suggest new features or improvements to make this app better for you!The Technology News | Technology Newspapers app brings news from the main news sources:- VentureBeat, - Computer World, - Ars Technica, - GSM Arena, - Gizmodo, - Wired, - CNET, - Android Central, - MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, - EurekAlert!, - Apple - Hot News, - Forbes, - The Economist, - Financial Times, - Times of India, - The Globe and Mail, - The Sydney Morning Herald, - Los Angeles Times, - The Wall Street Journal, - Reuters, - BBC, - New York Times, - TecMundo, - Galileu, - PC World, - Canal Tech, - MacWorld, - Boa Dica, - MIT Technology Review, - CIO, - Android no Brasil, - Mac Magazine, - CCM, - IDG Now!, - IMasters, - HypeScience, - O Globo, - Veja, - Correio Braziliense, - ExameAnd more!About the Technology News | Technology Newspapers app:The Update You! team is always working to add features and improve the user experience in order to let you more satisfied with our application. If you have any suggestions, please, send an e-mail and tell our team how to make this app better for you! We will love to receive your messages!The Technology - Technology News is an unofficial app. In case of infringements, please contact us by e-mail.