Circle Local News, Videos & Jobs
Circle Local News, Videos & Jobs
Browsers  |  2024-05-13 07:50:01
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  • Circle Local News, Videos & Jobs
  • Circle Local News, Videos & Jobs
Developer's DescriptionBy Circle Internet Tech Pvt. Ltd.Read the latest news in Hindi and Malayalam from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Kerala.Circle is your city's very own app that connects you to your locality. You get local news and updates on all important things happening around you from the latest neighbourhood events to local jobs and functions. With Circle you will get:Latest news of your locality through news shorts & videos, covering crime news, accidents, administrative updates, city events, protests and rallies etc. submitted by trusted reporters from your own locality. Special coverage on your local and administrative issues covering education, health, policies, government institutes etc. everything in your local language (Hindi & Malayalam).Get information about local and government jobs, properties and commodities for rent and sell, discounts and sales in the neighbourhood, obituaries and information about missing people, daily horoscope.Connect to your local community with Circle:Share your own news and videos, post about your commodities to sell or rent locally, post job vacancies, grow reach of your business by posting sales and discounts.Get in touch with your areas influencers and put forward your issues to them and receive their expert advice on your matters.Scroll through and get updated by everything happening around you or select any another locality to browse. Respond to an opinion poll, find out about upcoming events, job openings, etc. Follow topics and personalities that you want to know more about, share it with your friends on social media.With Circle, know your district better than before.

detailed information

  • size:0MB
  • platform:android
  • version:2.8.62
  • type:Browsers
  • update time:2024/05/13 07:50:01


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Circle Local News, Videos & Jobs
Circle Local News, Videos & Jobs