第二组Group II
(四)左右搂膝拗步(东) Brush knee and twist step
on both sides(east)见附录图4
1.右落左提 Down right arm and raising left hand.
2.右转丁步Tum to right,T step.
3.弯肘出步 Step up and bend elbow.
4.搂膝推掌 Brush knee and push forward.
5.后坐撇脚Sit back.
6.左转丁步Turn left,T step.
7.弯肘出步Step up and bend elbow.
8.搂膝推掌 Brush knee and push forward.
9.后坐撇脚Sit back.
10.右转丁步Turn right,T step.
11.弯肘出步Step up and bend elbow.
12.搂膝推掌 Brush knee and push forward.